Another day in paradise

Day 87. Yuk. My butts sore from sitting 23.0 hours a day. Not enough exercise to get tired.

One book finished and three in the works. Building covers tomorrow, that highly awaited change of pace. No going to town or work or anywhere with the weather in the toilet with no paper to wipe it away. Of course I am retired, so not going all the time is what I’d like to do, but not cuz I gotta.

The dogs don’t like us home all the time, we take their chairs.

I am getting tons of work done even though the web is slower than snot on an iceberg. Its snowing outside. Praise the Lord it isn’t inside.

Stay at home and write. If the kids get in your way, give them another assignment.



Another day

Made it through day 8 of lock down alive and still love my wife. Been writing a lot. Proofing till my eyes are crossed. Worked a couple other hobbies for a few hours, and have decided to cycle through each every day. Tomorrow I am going hiking with an old friend and his son. They have been hunkered down 1 day shorter the we have. They, in a 25′ travel trailer. Us in our house.

Being a pantser is fun. Your characters run the story and you see it like a movie on the big screen of your mind, but right now I have 2, yes 2, stories going down on paper as I cycle through all the other fun.

Should be interesting.

I am down to one book that is actually being written. 2 others have at least a rough in place. I’m kinda like Louis L’Amour, I write it, read and repair it, and pass it along. Edit catches the trash. I fix. Off to kdp. Easy. Going on 25 books, all done that way.

Maybe that’s why I’m not getting rich. But, I’m having fun and making some folks smile with my books.

Time to get back to work.

Go write.


Cut off from the masses

As I sit in my daughter’s living room watching three dogs and a teenaged grandson wander around without a worry. I think of the panic induced by an incompetent media. The projections and data they are putting on flash news and super exciting anchors will cause more deaths and panic than any disease.

BUT! It does give us pause to think on our mortality. Our writing will last longer than we will. Write as if you were producing the classic of the 22nd century. Call me Ismael.

My next DEACON book is moving along handily, as is the STATE RECONSTITUTED book.

As I write today, ideas float thru my mind and I write them on a 3 by 5 card which then gets filed in their card box. Ideas for new books have their own box.

How do you save your new ideas?




Three times today I was interrupted by recorded callers. Wish there was someway I could get ahead of them. Between Mariot and car maintenance I dont know which is the most obnoxious.

Then I got a new one about my phone service being cancelled for some dumb reason. Called phone service and reported that one.

This writing is awesome. Do we write because we want to tell a story or do we really want to be gods, killing and damaging as we desire? Little of both maybe?

Have you ever tried to write from the seat of a backhoe? Me either.

Been riding a backhoe and my back is telling me all about it. Ditched my drive. Filled holes. Dug new holes. Gonna put new gate in tomorrow. Filling culvert and planting gate posts tomorrow.

Church took in $75 worth of AL cans today. That will pay for the offering plate.

I am relaxing with a good book.



Wild Day

4 hours in the woods alongside a lake at a picnic table rewriting my WIP. Had five hours of gap between meetings 60 miles from home. What a great way to kill time on the first day of over 70° temperature. Left home at 6:30 and returned 11.5 hours later. Put 180 miles on the truck. Had to rewrite 4 pages completely due to a lack of continuity.

Don’t ya hate it when your hero is in two places at the same time. The action flowed, the setting did not.

I always have one of these in every first draft.

How about you? Can you be in two places at once many miles apart? Continuity is serious stuff. I remember reading a book where the hero punched casings out of his semi-automatic pistol and killed a man in one scene and two scenes later the dead man walked into the scene without a scratch. I tossed the book in the trash and gave it a one star review. I hate one star reviews.

The art of rewrite is one I have intimate knowledge of and great experience with and serious respect for.

Got home to excited dogs, a loving wife, and 40 pages of good writing, along with a slight sunburn on my arm. SPRING!



Hoppy Day

The sun is shining

The sky is blue

I’m a writer

What are you?

Oh, hoppy day when all my books in progress are caught up and going smoothly.

Okay, I got a call from an editing service. They gave me a price to edit my latest western of 46000 words. I’m in the wrong side of this profession. They want $1,300. That’s $6.50 USD per page, 5 day turnaround.

I laughed. I’ll edit for half that.

I’ll set your book up starting at $200 after you are done with it, and get it published under your name and account with KDP, soft cover and ebook.

O hoppy day.



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